All Executives are
susceptible to
Expensive Lawsuits

Protect management teams with management liability insurance.

Protecting the Assets of Executive Teams and Management Leaders

Adequate management liability coverage ensures your executive teams are protected when a liability case arises.

For decades, Roger J. Stewart has been helping leadership teams throughout the United States customize their insurance coverage, mitigate their risk, and preserve their legacy.  

Roger understands the urgent needs of executive leadership and is ready to represent your needs. 


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Call or Text 858-754-0081 to engage now.

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Management Liability Coverage Types

The right insurance policy with adequate coverage types can protect your executive teams, regardless of what may arise.

[ARTICLE] Navigating Management Liability Insurance

Get to Know Roger J Stewart

Protects directors and officers against claims for wrongful acts in their managerial capacity, covering legal defense costs, settlements, and judgments.


Covers businesses against claims by employees regarding employment practices such as wrongful termination, discrimination, or harassment.


Protects fiduciaries of employee benefit plans against claims of breaches of fiduciary duty, including errors in plan administration and mismanagement of assets.

Commercial Crime

Protects businesses against financial losses due to criminal acts like theft, embezzlement, and fraud committed by employees or third parties.

Management Liability Stats

>$ 0 B
$ 0 k
Median class action settlement amount
$ 0 M
Avg. Cost defending employee law cases
$ 0 K

Webinar Series / Learn From the Experts

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